


Welcome to my portfolio website! It contains some of my creations that I've been building during my 3D-studies. I'm still trying to learn as much on the subject as I can, specifically Blender.
The idea behind all of this was that at some point the portfolio will show how my work has improved over time, hopefully..
Please keep in mind that am not a professional 3D artist who needs to appeal to clients, so my portfolio does not contain just only my best work.


March 8, 2023
Tiger II abandoned

I promise this will be the last animation that features a Tiger II tank. Or maybe not… We’ll see. Here’s a scene showing an abandoned Tiger II tank being re-claimed by mother nature.

March 8, 2023
V1 Launch Site

It was also known to the Allies as the buzz bomb or doodlebug, and in Germany as Kirschkern (cherry stone) or Maikäfer (maybug). The V1 was the first of the Vergeltungswaffen deployed for the terror bombing of London. It was developed at Peenemünde Army Research Center in 1939 by the Luftwaffe at the beginning of […]

March 8, 2023

This scene depicts a computer room as you would find in the 1960’s and 1970’s at companies who could afford it. The servers shown here are IBM mainframe computers.

March 8, 2023
Tiger II rides

Another animation featuring a Tiger II tank.

March 8, 2023
Back to the Future

This scene, revealing the DeLorean car for the very first time, was made after a scene from the movie Back to the Future (part 1) Scene from the actual movie for comparison

November 11, 2022
Station Valkenswaard

This is a replica of the old train station that we used to have in Valkenswaard, which is the town where I live in. It was demolished in 1962, so finding reference material was not easy. After having searched in every corner of the internet unsuccessfully, I eventually went to a meeting of a local […]

November 3, 2022
Parking lot Skater

I used a bunch of different tools besides Blender to put this scene together. Botaniq add-on for Blender, Traffiq add-on for Blender, Mixamo, Makeahuman, and obviously Sketchfab. Here are the models that I downloaded from Sketchfab for this scene.

October 20, 2022
Venbergse Molen Valkenswaard

Here’s another project that is based on a real building in Valkenswaard, the town where I live. This time it’s about the Venbergse Molen, where molen translates to mill. This water mill has a rich history, and I wrote a separate blog post about that. Check it out here: https://visiestudio.nl/blog/venbergse-molen-valkenswaard/ I built most of the […]

October 18, 2022
Sword Fight

After having put in the effort of rigging the character that is wearing my face, I felt I should use it somehow. So I grabbed some sword fight motions from Mixamo, built a simple environment, and put everything together. Mixamo’s animations are too fast in my opinion, so I rendered the animation in 60fps, but […]

October 12, 2022

I found this armor on Sketchfab and really liked it, so I decided to add my face to it and animate it. This short animation is the results.

October 9, 2022
Tiger II (preview)

This is the first test-render for a new animation that focuses on a Tiger II tank. The end is not in sight yet because there’s a lot more that still needs to be done. But I was personally rather pleased with the results of the render, so here’s a sneak peek of what is to […]

October 3, 2022
Jana’s Tower

This scene shows the top floor inside some tower, at some isle, on some continent, used by some female NPC character named Jana, in some MMO game. You may perhaps recognize the scene from the popular game World of Warcraft. Or not. It doesn’t matter.. I exported Jana’s Tower from the classic Theramore Isle, before […]

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November 8, 2022
How I overcame hardware limitations for rendering in Blender

I feel like I’ve discovered a holy grail of some sorts. My computer is not a very recent one. It’s a Core i7, but from an early generation, and it has 32 gigs of RAM. And most importantly for rendering, it has an Nvidia Titan X graphics card. This card is a couple of years […]

October 22, 2022
Update on a previous post

I finally finished a new render for the Birkenhof animation. It took about three nights of rendering. All the edited and newly added content to the scene, like the plants for example, are shown in this new render, so in my opinion it looks at lot better as the previous animation. In case you’ve already […]

October 20, 2022
Venbergse Molen Valkenswaard

Similar to what I did for the previous post on the bunker in Valkenswaard, I’m writing another article where I will tell you about the history behind a building that I built in 3D as a replica. In this post, it’s regarding the Venbergse Molen. Molen translates to mill. Take a look at this page […]

September 7, 2022
Birkenhof Bunker Valkenswaard

I wrote this post in relation to a portfolio item that I recently posted, to talk a bit about the history of the building that I’ve built in 3D. Make sure to have a look at the Birkenhof portfolio page when you’re done here. There’s also a gallery at the bottom of this page. I […]

June 16, 2022
Want! Need!!

I have a list of things that I want-to-have, and on that list is this “mouse”. It’s not a regular mouse, but a 3dconnexion SpaceMouse. It’s actually a mouse that works alongside a default mouse and partly replaces the keyboard when you’re working in 3D apps like Blender. You use it with your left hand, […]

June 3, 2022
Old Eindhoven airport-building

For a recent project I made a 3D replica of the very first airport building at the airport of Eindhoven city. You can have a look at the project on the portfolio page. I felt like sharing a couple of things that I did not want to include on the portfolio page. I want to talk about the building itself in more details because I learned a thing or two about the history when I was investigating it. I accidentally stumbled upon an image of the old airport building when I was researching something on World War II. It triggered my curiosity since it’s regional history for me as it is located in my own back

May 23, 2022
Auschwitz Gate

I put a lot of time in my Auschwitz project. Too much time perhaps. I have a fascination for everything that is related to world war II. I guess this fascination grew because I live in the Netherlands, where our grandparents experienced the war at first hand. Also, right outside the town where I live […]

May 18, 2022
Am I any good?

I don’t know! You tell me! It’s very common for people to loose the ability to objectively judge their own work when they’ve spent a lot of time on it. Perhaps you will recognize that sometimes your work seems to be awe full when you look at it at the end of pulling an all-nighter. […]

March 9, 2022
What I’ve been up to

For some reason, a lot of people often think that I’m a lazy person who has too much time on his hands. And in all honesty, I am indeed really lazy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t do things… I do them in the most optimized way I could come up with, and in that […]


A very handsome person
I guess this would be the perfect spot to write some really cool and interesting shit about myself. I'll do that once I actually have really cool or interesting shit to say about myself. I wrote all the less-cool and uninteresting stuff about yours truly on the 'about me' page. Feel free to read it, or skip it, and quickly continue on the website.


June 18, 2023
Automatically rotate wheels based on their location

This tutorial explains how to rotate any wheel on its X axis based on its Y location. Or the other way around. In this example, we’ll be rotating it on its X axis. Scroll down for the step-by-step guide. In order to see the video, you’ll probably need to click the button below first to […]

June 18, 2023
Easily rig any car model with free Blender add-on Rig-a-car

Here I show how to easily rig any car model that you want, by using the free add-on Rig-a-car. Download the add-on from this website: http://digicreatures.net/articles/rigacar.html. You will probably have to click the button below to allow the video to play back from YouTube. If this doesn’t work for you, here’s a link to the […]



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