I jumped right in, as green as grass, and knew absolutely nothing on how to work with Blender. But luckily, I did have a bit of knowledge still floating around in the back of my head from when I was a teenager and worked with 3DStudio. This earlier experience has made me be somewhat familiar already with the very basics and certain terminology used in 3D like vertexes, polygons, textures etc. So I embarked on my quest to learn a bit more about Blender and wanted to start building something. I thought to myself that it would be wise to keep it really simple at first, so I chose to build a simple cube. But I was already staring at a cube on my screen, so that was the end of that idea.
So I decided to start with something complicated, like building my IRL house in 3D. Many hours went into accomplishing this idea. But through a lot of trial and error, I did finally get there.
I can safely say that I've come a long way since that the summer of 2021. I am very aware that I still have many things to learn, but still, the amount of things that I've learned in the last two to three months is really amazing! I've learned something new every day, and I mean literally every single day! I plan to keep doing so, because it's fun to see how I'm improving over time. Sometimes it feels that the more I learn and know, the more I realize that there's still soo much more to learn. Nevertheless, I believe that I'm doing reasonably good at struggling through this long and steep learning curve.