I don't know! You tell me! It's very common for people to loose the ability to objectively judge their own work when they've spent a lot of time on it. Perhaps you will recognize that sometimes your work seems to be awe full when you look at it at the end of pulling an all-nighter. But when you look at it again after a good sleep you see it through different eyes and you conclude that it's actually not that bad at all. Many of you may perhaps also recognize that when you start looking at other people's work, yours seems to fail horribly in comparison, while at the same time you sometimes see somebody else's work and think to yourself that you're a lot better as they are. I believe that the way we handle this determines how insecure we are in our lives. I tend to lean to the more insecure side so I often torment myself with thoughts on this subject. This surfaces mostly when it comes to my work. It can be crippling at times, and I'm doing my best to change myself or train myself to handle this more professionally. That's still a work in progress.
I know that the best way to receive positive criticism is to share my work with an audience other then friends/family, and that's of course my primary motivation for building this website, but for some reason I'm hesitant to do so. And I believe that my insecurity is responsible for this. I've chosen to stop wasting mental energy by thinking about this too much. So I guess I'm ready for any feedback! Please be gentle.. 😉
Thanks for listening! This blog suddenly appeared before me even knowing it. I think it's because I was just thinking about all of this when I was observing the progress of the rendering a long animation in Blender, and I was asking myself the question: Is this any good? Or is it absolute shit? Perhaps I should just go to sleep and have another look at it tomorrow when the rendering is done.